
Additional terms of use for Health Care Professionals (HCP)

The Website is owned and operated by Mealth Private Limited, a private limited company, incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and having its registered office at: C/O L U Laskar, H/no- 410, Banskandi, Cachar, Assam- 788101, India. These terms of usage (“Terms”) govern your use of the Website and Services provided therein (“Services”). By using or visiting the Website, or by using any content or information provided as part of the Website/ Services, you shall be deemed to have read, understood, and accepted to be bound by these Terms. These Terms are a legal contract between you and Mealth (registered as Mealth Private Limited), it is important that you review the Terms carefully before accessing or using the Website. These Terms are not intended to alter in any way or limit the terms or conditions of any other agreement that you may have with Mealth, including without limitation the privacy policy ("Privacy Policy"). Last Revised: 17th January, 2023 By clicking "sign up" or "start my free trial" or "get started for free" or the 'I accept' or the 'I agree' tab at the time of registration, or by entering into an agreement with Mealth provide committed services as set out in these HCP Terms, or through the continued use of the System and/or Services, or by Accessing the System and/or Services through any medium, including but not limited to accessing the System through mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, You agree to be subject to these HCP Terms. We request You to please read these HCP Terms carefully and do not click "sign up" or "start my free trial" or "get started for free" "I accept" “I agree” or continue the use of the Website, System and Service unless You agree fully with these HCP Terms. These HCP Terms are in addition to the Terms of Use of the Website, the Privacy Policy and any other policy which may govern the use of the Website, System and Services (referred to as the "Other Terms" and collectively with the HCP Terms referred to as "Agreement")

1. Definitions

As used in these HCP Terms, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below:

  • "Account" means credit or debit balance maintained by You with the Website;
  • "Effective Date" means the Date on which You accept these HCP Terms by clicking 'Sign Up' or "start my free trial" or "get started for free" or 'I Accept';
  • "User Information" means information regarding Registered Users which includes personal and medical information and any other information which may be provided by a Registered Users to You or may be transferred to You by Mealth;
  • "Services" means the services offered to You by Mealth that involves use of the System, which may include the practice management service, electronic medical records service and other services as may be introduced by Mealth from time to time;
  • "Website" means
  • "System" means the technology platform provided as part of the Website consisting of hardware and / or software used or provided by Us for the purpose of providing the Services to You;
  • “Registered Users” are users who have registered themselves an account on the Website by providing Mealth with certain information and who can log on to the Website by providing their username and password.
  • "Non-Registered Users" are users who are not registered with the Website but may access information on the Website.

All other capitalized terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Other Terms.

2. Grant of rights

  • Subject to the terms of the Agreement, we grant to You and You accept a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, limited right to have access to and to use the System for the duration of Your engagement with Us. The aforementioned right does not extend to : (a) use the System for time-sharing, rental or service bureau purposes; (b) make the System, in whole or in part, available to any other person, entity or business; (c) modify the contents of the Systems and the Website or use such content for any commercial purpose, or any public display, performance, sale or rental other than envisaged in the Agreement; (c) copy, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the System or the Website, in whole or in part, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code to the software used in the System; or (d) modify the System or associated software or combine the System with any other software or services not provided or approved by Us. You will obtain no rights to the System except for the limited rights to use the System expressly granted by these HCP Terms.
  • The System/Website may include links or references which direct you to third party websites / applications / content or service providers, including advertisers and e-commerce websites (collectively referred to as "Third Party Websites"). Links to such Third Party Websites are provided for your convenience only. Please exercise your independent judgment and prudence when visiting / using any Third Party Websites via a link available on the System / Website. Should You decide to click on the links to visit such Third Party Website, You do so of Your own volition. Your usage of such Third Party Websites and all content available on such Third Party Websites is subject to the terms of use of the respective Third Party Website and we is not responsible for Your use of any Third Party Websites

3. By accepting these HCP Terms, you agree that:

  • You will acquire, install, configure and maintain all hardware, software and communications systems necessary to access the System ("Implementation") and receive the Services. Your Implementation will comply with the specifications from time to time established by Us. You will ensure that Your Implementation is compatible with the System and Services. If We notify You that Your Implementation is incompatible with the System and / or Services, You will rectify such incompatibility, and We will have the right to suspend Services to You until such rectification has been implemented. Under no circumstances will You be eligible for any refund or any financial assistance in relation to Implementation.
  • You would be required to fully abide by Indian Medical Council (Professional conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002 and with the relevant provisions of the Information Technology Act, Data protection and privacy laws or any applicable rules notified from time to time for protecting patient privacy and confidentiality and regarding the handling and transfer of such personal information regarding the patient. This will be binding and must be upheld and practiced.
  • You will ensure that a reasonable degree of care is undertaken during use of Our Services. You will not be held responsible for breach of confidentiality if there is reasonable evidence to believe that a patient's privacy and confidentiality has been compromised by a technology breach or by a person other than HCPs.
  • In addition to all general requirements under the MCI Act for professional conduct, ethics etc, while using these Services all actions that wilfully compromise patient care or privacy and confidentiality, or violate any prevailing law are explicitly not permissible.
  • You will not initiate following actions while availing the Services as this will lead to misconduct and are not permissible: (a) insisting on availing the Services, when the patient is willing to travel to a facility and/or requests an in-person consultation (b) misusing patient images and data, especially private and sensitive in nature (e.g. HCP uploads an explicit picture of patient on social media etc) (c) prescribe medicines from the specific restricted list (d) solicit patients for Services through any advertisements or inducements.
  • For issuing a prescription, You need to explicitly ask the age of the patient, and if there is any doubt, seek age proof. Where the patient is a minor, after confirming the age, Services based consultation would be allowed only if the minor is consulting along-with an adult whose identity needs to be ascertained.
  • Services based consultation should be treated the same way as in-person consultations from a fee perspective. You may charge an appropriate fee for the consultation provided. You should also give a receipt/invoice for the fee charged for providing Services based consultation.
  • You are entitled to provide Services based consultation to Users from any part of India.
  • You using Services will uphold the same professional and ethical norms and standards as applicable to traditional in-person care, within the intrinsic limitations of telemedicine guidelines.
  • You are familiar with Telemedicine Practice Guidelines under “Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 as well as with the process and limitations of telemedicine practice:
    • An online program will be developed and made available by the Board of Governors in supersession of Medical Council of India.
    • All registered medical practitioners intending to provide online consultation need to complete a mandatory online course within 3 years of its notification.
    • In the interim period, the principles mentioned in these guidelines need to be followed.
    • Thereafter, undergoing and qualifying such a course, as prescribed, will be essential prior to practice of telemedicine.
  • You may prescribe medicines via Services ONLY when You are satisfied that you have gathered adequate and relevant information about the Registered user's medical condition and prescribed medicines are in the best interest of the Registered User. Prescribing Medicines without an appropriate diagnosis/provisional diagnosis will amount to professional misconduct.

4. Access to the System and Use of Services

  • Verification
    You agree that Your receipt of Services is subject to verification by Us of Your identity and credentials as a health care practitioner and to Your ongoing qualification as such. As part of the registration process and at any time thereafter, You may be required to provide Us with various information such as Your Photo Id, Your registration details (as recognized by the Medical Council of India and Your State Medical Council or the Rehabilitation Council of India), Your qualifications and other information in order to prove that You are a valid health care practitioner in the field that You claim ("Credential Information"). We may verify such Credential Information or may ask You for additional information. We may also make enquiries from third parties to verify the authenticity of Your Credential Information. You authorize Us to make such enquiries from such third parties, and You agree to hold them and Us harmless from any claim or liability arising from the request for or disclosure of such information. You agree that We may terminate Your access to or use of the System and Services at any time if We are unable at any time to determine or verify Your Credential Information. We reserve to right to carry out re-verification of Credential Information as and when required, and the above rights and commitments will extend to re-verification as well.
  • Safeguards
    • You will implement and maintain appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to protect the System from access, use or alteration; and You will always use the User ID assigned to You.
    • You will immediately notify Us of any breach or suspected breach of the security of the System of which You become aware, or any unauthorized use or disclosure of information within or obtained from the System, and You will take such action to mitigate the breach or suspected breach as We may direct, and will cooperate with Us in investigating and mitigating such breach.
  • No third party access
    You will not permit any third party to have access to the System or to use the System. You will not allow any third party to access the System or provide information to Registered Users on the Website. You will promptly notify Us of any order or demand for compulsory disclosure of health information if the disclosure requires access to or use of the System or Services.

5. Compliance

  • You are solely responsible for ensuring that Your use of the System and the Services complies with applicable law. You will also ensure that Your use of the System, the Website and the Services is always in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. You will not undertake or permit any unlawful use of the System or Services, or take any action that would render the operation or use of the System or Services by us.
  • Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, You represent that You shall not use the System in violation of any applicable laws including MCIs Code of Medical Ethics Regulations or any other code of conduct governed by your council. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, You shall not use the System to:
    • Interact with a Registered Users at the time of medical emergencies.
    • Discriminate in any way between appointments booked in the ordinary course and appointments booked through Mealth.
    • Boast of cases, operations, cures or remedies through System, Services or Website.
    • Directly or indirectly solicit Registered Users for consultation.
    • Claim to be a specialist, through System, Services or Website, unless You have a special qualification in that branch.
    • Give any positive assertion or representation regarding the risk-free nature of communicating over online media.
    • If there is neither implied (if the Registered User initiates the Services) nor explicit consent (if HCP initiates Services) received from the Registered Users for availing the Services of the Website.
  • You shall keep Your Credential Information updated and will inform Us immediately should any portion of Your Credential Information be revoked, is cancelled or expires.
  • In the event some non-compliance is noted, the Mealth shall be required to report the same to the Board of Governors, in supersession to Medical Council of India who may take appropriate action.

6. User information

  • You hereby acknowledge that You may get access to User Information including identifiable health related information.
  • You represent and warrant that You will, at all times during the use of the Services and thereafter, comply with all laws directly or indirectly applicable to You that may now or hereafter govern the collection, use, transmission, processing, receipt, reporting, disclosure, maintenance, and storage of User Information, including but not limited to the Information Technology Act, 2000 and The Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 made thereunder.
  • You must ensure and record explicit consent of the Registered User if You initiate Services based consultation for / to Registered User. Explicit consent can be recorded in any form. Registered Users can send an email, text or audio/video message and can state his/her intent on phone/video to You.
  • Notwithstanding the generality of the aforementioned provision:
    • You acknowledge that You have read, understood and agree to comply with Mealth's Privacy Policy when dealing with User Information.
    • You represent and warrant that You will not use the User Information of Registered Users and Non-Registered Users for any purposes which are not forming part of this Agreement.
    • You represent and warrant that You will use the Services in accordance with applicable law. Any contravention of applicable law as a result of your use of these Services is the practitioner's sole responsibility, and Mealth accepts no liability for the same. You will continue to be in compliance with and obey all central, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances relating to the Services that you will provide hereunder.
    • You represent and warrant that you are qualified in the area of expertise that you represent as being your qualification and a Registered Medical Practitioner in case of a Psychiatrist.

7. Cooperation

  • You will cooperate with Us in the administration of the System, including providing reasonable assistance in evaluating the System and collecting and reporting data requested by Us for the purposes of administering the System.

8. Providing Data

You agree that We may provide de-identified health information and other information including Your personal information and information concerning Your practice to any medical group, independent practice association,, health plan or other organization including any organization with which You have a contract to provide medical services, or to whose members or enrollees You provide medical services. Such information may identify You, but will not identify any individual to whom You provide services. Such information may include (without limitation) aggregate data concerning Your patients, diagnoses, procedures, orders etc.

9. Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights in and title to the System, the present or future modifications / upgradations thereof and standard enhancements thereto shall remain the property of Mealth. These HCP Terms or the Agreement do not and shall not transfer any ownership or proprietary interest in the System from Mealth to You. We reserves the right to remove any content which it may determine at its own discretion as violating the intellectual property rights of any other person, including but not limited to patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights.

10. Relationship between the Parties

Nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed to be a joint venture or partnership or the principal-agent (or the agent-principal) relationship between the Company and the HCP. The Company shall not be liable for any services provided or to be provided by HCP to the Registered Users. The Company shall not be and shall not be deemed to be a party, directly or indirectly, to any contract for services between the HCP and the Registered User. The Company shall not be the agent of the Registered Users and shall not be responsible for the acts committed by them including non-payment of the consultation fees.

11. Privity of contract between Registered User and HCP

Mealth is not a party to any service contract between You and a Registered User. Each HCP hereby acknowledges and agrees that Mealth is not a party to any oral or written agreement for service, negotiation worksheet, or any contract entered into between HCP and Registered User in connection with any service offered, directly or indirectly, through the Website. Each HCP acknowledges, agrees and understands that Mealth only seeks to provide a platform wherein the Registered User and HCP can be brought together and Mealth itself has no role in the execution or provision of services. It is clarified that HCP provides services directly to Registered Users and Mealth does not avail any services from HCP.
Nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed as to make the Mealth liable for any services provided or to be provided by HCP to the Patients. Mealth shall not be and shall not be deemed to be a party, directly or indirectly, to any contract for services between the HCP and Registered User.
No agency, partnership, joint venture, service relationship or employment is created as a result of the terms of use or Your use of any part of the Website. You do not have any authority whatsoever to bind Mealth in any respect. All HCP are independent medical professionals. Neither Mealth nor any users of the Website may direct or control the day-to-day activities of the other, or create or assume any obligation on behalf of the other.
Without prejudice to the generality of the above, You acknowledge that Mealth is not involved in providing any healthcare or medical advice or diagnosis and hence is not responsible for any interactions between Registered User and HCP. Registered User understands and agrees that Mealth will not be liable for:

  • Registered User interactions and associated issues Registered User has with the HCP;
  • the ability or intent of the HCP or the lack of it, in fulfilling their obligations towards Registered User;
  • any wrong medication or quality of treatment being given by the HCP), or any medical negligence on part of the HCP;
  • inappropriate treatment, or similar difficulties or any type of inconvenience suffered by the Registered User due to a failure on the part of the HCP to provide agreed Services;
  • any misconduct or inappropriate behaviour by the HCP or the HCP's staff;
  • cancellation or no show by the HCP or rescheduling of booked appointment or any variation in the fees charged;

12. Fees, Charges and Taxes

  • Fees
    Services based consultation should be treated the same way as in-person consultations from a fee perspective. You may charge an appropriate fee for the consultation (“consultation fees”) provided to the Registered Users. You should also give a receipt to the Registered Users for the consultation fee charged for providing Services based consultation whether or not such fees are paid by the Registered Users directly to you or to the Company on your behalf though the System. Where the consultation fees are collected by the Company from the Registered Users through System, the Company shall make such collection and shall also issue the receipt to the Registered Users for, and on behalf of HCP for the said purpose. Such receipts shall be issued by the Company only for accounting purposes. Till the time, said amount is remitted by the Company to the HCP, the Company will hold the same in trust.
  • Charges
    The Company may charge convenience charges / such other charges as it deems fit to the Registered Users/ HCP using the System. Such charges shall be the income of the Company. Mealth shall be entitled to deduct either 10% of your consultation fees or Rs 100 from your consultation fees, whichever is lesser, as a service fee, for all payments made by patients for appointments through Mealth Platforms, including teleconsultation appointments, in-clinic appointments and others.
  • Taxes
    • All payments made by the Company to HCP including payment of consultation fees collected by the Company on behalf of HCP shall be subject to the deduction of taxes at source as per provisions of Income Tax Act 1961 prevailing at the time of each credit/payment (wherever applicable).
    • The Company shall remit the consultation fees to the HCP after making therefrom all the statutory deductions such as Tax Deducted at Source/Tax Collected at Source under the provisions of Income Tax Act 1962/ Goods and Services Tax Act 2017 as applicable.
    • The HCP has represented to the Company that, services provided by him to the patient are exempted from payment of GST as health care services and consequently, no collection of tax at source is required to be made under Section 52 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, and other GST Acts under the State laws. In case any service is taxable and Tax Collected at Source provisions become applicable, HCP undertakes to intimate the same to the Company sufficiently before the making of remittance by the Company so as to enable the Company to make appropriate arrangements for collection of tax at source. HCP hereby undertakes to indemnify the Company for the amount equivalent to the liability occurred or loss suffered or any cost incurred by the Company due to HCP's failure to intimate to the Company. The Company reserves right to recover the said amount from HCP in a manner it deems fit including but not limited to the deduction from remittances to be made to the HCP.
    • HCP shall be solely responsible for the payment of Income-tax or GST or any other taxes and related compliances on the fees to be collected by the Company as mentioned in clause 12.3. above, under the contract for services between the HCP and the patient. The Company shall be solely responsible for the taxation of the charges, if any, collected by it from the HCP/patients, for services provided by the Company to HCP/ patients.
    • You are responsible for any charges You incur to use the System, such as telephone and equipment charges, and fees charged by third-party vendors of products and services.
    • We reserve to change the terms applicable to fee at any point in time by giving You fifteen (15) days' prior intimation via email. The revised fee terms shall be automatically applicable to You after the fifteen (15) days' notice period. You agree that no separate confirmation or approval is required from You to amend the terms with regard to the fee.
  • Collection and Settlement of Fees
    • The HCP Fees collected by Mealth on your behalf from Registered Users shall be disbursed to your bank within 2 workings days of the date of successful completion of the consultation i.e. T +2 (Successful Consultation Date +2 working Days) for which such HCP Fees were collected.
    • You hereby grant Us written consent to collect, store, handle and use Your financial information such as bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details for the purpose of paying for Services and access to System in accordance with Our Privacy Policy.

13. Confidential Information

  • You will treat all information received from Us as confidential. You may not disclose Our confidential information to any other person, and You may not use any confidential information except as provided herein. Except as otherwise provided in HCP Terms and Other Terms, You may not, without Our prior written consent, at any time, during or after the applicability of these HCP Terms, directly or indirectly, divulge or disclose confidential information for any purpose or use confidential information for Your own benefit or for the purposes or benefit of any other person. You agree to hold all confidential information in strict confidence and to take all measures necessary to prevent unauthorized copying, use, or disclosure of confidential information, and to keep the confidential information from being disclosed into the public domain or into the possession of persons not bound to maintain confidentiality. You will disclose confidential information only to your employees, agents or contractors who have a need to use it for the purposes permitted under the HCP Terms and Other Terms only. You will inform all such recipients of the confidential nature of confidential information and will instruct them to deal with confidential information in accordance with these HCP Terms. You will promptly notify Us in writing of any improper disclosure, misappropriation, or misuse of the confidential information by any person, which may come to Your attention.
  • You agree that We will suffer irreparable harm if You fail to comply with the obligations set forth in this Section 13, and You further agree that monetary damages will be inadequate to compensate Us for any such breach. Accordingly, You agree that We will, in addition to any other remedies available to Us at law or in equity, be entitled to seek injunctive relief to enforce the provisions hereof, immediately and without the necessity of posting a bond.
  • This Section 13 will survive the termination or expiration of these HCP Terms or Agreement for any reason.

14. Disclaimer and Exclusion of Warranties

  • you acknowledge that access to the system will be provided over various facilities and communication lines, and information will be transmitted over local exchange and internet backbone carrier lines and through routers, switches, and other devices (collectively, "Carrier lines") owned, maintained, and serviced by third-party carriers, utilities, and internet service providers, all of which are beyond our control. We assume no liability for or relating to the integrity, privacy, security, confidentiality, or use of any information while it is transmitted on the carrier lines, or any delay, failure, interruption, interception, loss, transmission, or corruption of any data or other information attributable to transmission on the carrier lines. Use of the carrier lines is solely at your risk and is subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws.
  • the services, the website the system, access to the system and the information contained on the system is provided "As is" and "As available" basis without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You are solely responsible for any and all acts or omissions taken or made in reliance on the system or the information in the system, including inaccurate or incomplete information. It is expressly agreed that in no event shall we be liable for any special, indirect, consequential, remote or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, loss of profits or revenues, loss of use, or loss of information or data, whether a claim for any such liability or damages is premised upon breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability, or any other theory of liability, even if we have been apprised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages occurring. We disclaim any and all liability for erroneous transmissions and loss of service resulting from communication failures by telecommunication service providers or the system.
  • you acknowledge that other users have access to the system and are receiving our services. Such other users have committed to comply with these terms & conditions and our policies and procedures concerning use of the system; however, the actions of such other users are beyond our control. Accordingly, we do not assume any liability for or relating to any impairment of the privacy, security, confidentiality, integrity, availability, or restricted use of any information on the system resulting from any users' actions or failures to act.
  • we are not responsible for unauthorized access to your data, facilities or equipment by individuals or entities using the system or for unauthorized access to, alteration, and theft. Corruption, loss or destruction of your data files, programs, procedures, or information through the system, whether by accident, fraudulent means or devices, or any other means. You are solely responsible for validating the accuracy of all output and reports, and for protecting your data and programs from loss by implementing appropriate security measures, including routine backup procedures. You hereby waive any damages occasioned by lost or corrupt data, incorrect reports, or incorrect data files resulting from programming error, operator error, equipment or software malfunction, security violations, or the use of third-party software. We are not responsible for the content of any information transmitted or received through our provision of the services.
  • we expressly disclaim any liability for the consequences to you arising because of your use of the system or the services.
  • we do not warrant that your use of the system and the services under these terms will not violate any law or regulation applicable to you.

15. Limitation of liability

Notwithstanding the other terms of these HCP terms, in the event Mealth should have any liability to you or any third party for any loss, harm or damage, you and Mealth agree that such liability shall under no circumstances exceed the value of any fees received by Mealth from you in the preceding twelve months or inr 5000 whichever is lower. You and Mealth agree that the foregoing limitation of liability is an agreed allocation of risk between you and Mealth. You acknowledge that without your assent to this section 14, Mealth would not provide access to the system to you.

16. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Mealth , Our and their affiliates, officers, directors, and agents, from and against any claim, cost or liability, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of: (a) the use of the Services; (b) any breach by You of any representations, warranties or agreements contained in these HCP Terms ; (c) the actions of any person gaining access to the System under a User ID assigned to You; (d) the actions of anyone using a User ID, password or other unique identifier assigned to You that adversely affects the System or any information accessed through the System; (e) Deaths or any severe injury of any registered user; (f) Breach of law or applicable guidelines; (g) claim by any third party related to Service provided by You to the Registered User under the Agreement; (h) all claims that may arise as a result of any third party intellectual property right claim that may arise from the uploading of any Content by you on the Mealth's platform (i) all claims that may arise as a result of any third party intellectual property claim if You downloads, copies or otherwise utilizes an image from the Mealth's Gallery for Your personal or commercial gain.

17. Termination, modification, and suspension

  • We or You may terminate our Services at any time without cause upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to You.
  • We may update or change the Services and/or the HCP Terms and/ or the Service Fee set forth in these HCP Terms from time to time and recommend that You review these HCP Terms on a regular basis. You understand and agree that Your continued use of the Services after the HCP Terms has been updated or changed constitutes Your acceptance of the revised HCP Terms. Without limiting the foregoing, if We make a change to these HCP Terms that materially affects Your use of the Services, We may post notice on the Website or notify You via email of any such change.
  • We may terminate the provision of Services to You through the System immediately upon notice to You: (i) if You are named as a defendant in a criminal proceeding for a violation of federal or state law; (ii) if a finding or stipulation is made or entered into that You have violated any standard or requirement of federal or state law relating to the privacy or security of health information is made in any administrative or civil proceeding; or (iii) You cease to be qualified to provide services as a healthcare professional, or We are unable to verify Your qualifications as notified to Us under these HCP Terms.
  • We may suspend Your Services immediately pending Your cure of any breach of these HCP Terms, or in the event We determine in Our sole discretion that access to or use of the System by You may jeopardize the System or the confidentiality, privacy, security, integrity or availability of information within the System, or that You have violated or may violate these HCP Terms or Other Terms, or has jeopardized or may jeopardize the rights of any third party, or that any person is or may be making unauthorized use of the System with any User ID assigned to You. Our election to suspend the Services shall not waive or affect Our rights to terminate these HCP Terms as applicable to You as permitted under these HCP Terms.
  • Upon termination, You will cease to use the System and We will terminate Your access to the System. Upon termination for any reason, You will remove all software provided under HCP Terms from Your computer systems, You will cease to have access to the System, and You will return to Us all hardware, software and documentation provided by or on behalf of Us.

18. Independent Services

Your use of each Service confers upon you only the rights and obligations relating to such Service, and not to any other service that may be provided by Mealth. Mealth shall not be liable and responsible for Your ranking on external websites and search engines.

19. Dispute between Registered User and HCP

Any dispute arising between Registered User and HCP is solely between You and Registered User and Mealth which may without prejudice be relating to consultation, medical prescription, leak of Registered User sensitive data. You acknowledge that Mealth is only a facilitator providing a technology base to connect You and Registered User and has no role to play in any services provided by You.

20. Undertaking

You undertake and ensure that you are duly registered, licensed and qualified to practice medicine/ provide health care, wellness services, as per applicable laws/regulations/guidelines set out by competent authorities and You will not be part of any arrangement which will prohibit You from practicing medicine within the territory of India. You ensure that at all times all the applicable laws that govern You will be followed and utmost care will be taken in terms of the Services being rendered.